What a hot week it was! We reached and surpassed all the previous records for hot temperatures. To add to the heat, it's always humid in Oregon.
As Summer vacation is approaching it's end, we are making our best efforts in making the most of it's remain.
Friday night was a yearly company picnic. It's a first one for us (in at least 10 years). We had more fun than we ever expected. Intel spared no expenses, went all out. Food was great, SO much to do, constant games and giveaways. At one point an announcer said that "everyone should have a prize now, and if you don't, come see me!"

We took a fly-fishing lesson, tried hula-hoop competition, limbo competition (Gabe won in 8-12 age group!), kids went on the biggest Slip-n-Slide I've ever seen, played carnival games, rode a pony, built a sand castle, went on a scavenger hunt, and the list goes on!
(We all look sweaty and tired, faces are all red...)
Larissa forgot to bolus after dinner, but after she shot up to 400's and I gave her a much delayed bolus, she took the insulin pump off and with the running around didn't need it all night. As a matter of fact I had to give her some small snacks just to keep her in good range!
All the activities went till 9pm. It was dark and finally cooling off. No one had any trouble sleeping that night.
If I could change one thing, that would be either less than 100% humidity or less than 103 degree temperature. Or both!
Saturday and Sunday were a little less fun.
Temperatures were relentless, just didn't want to come down. I started looking for an excuse to go to a store... any store, since they are all are air conditioned and our house is not. Finally, on Saturday afternoon, we decided that boys' room needed a new ceiling fan. We picked a really cool and modern looking one, put it all together and installed it, only to find out that cool-looking is not always equals to working great. What a disappointment! There was no air flow generated by it! And to top it off, it was using three halogen lights that were $5 a piece and created a whole lot more heat! Maybe in the winter it would be beneficial, but not while you are trying to cool off...
So, Sunday was spent removing the fan, taking it apart, returning it, and installing a different one. Note to self: Hunter is a good brand for ceiling fans!