Posts on my family life, outings, special events, dealing with Type 1 Diabetes and with food allergies.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
My week off.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas! 2009
On Thursday we got a chance to drive by my manager's house and see her Christmas lights. Kathy's husband creates a small village of lights. He starts right after the Halloween and I can see why he starts so early. There are so many lights, you can clearly see which house is theirs from way down the road. It is truly magical!
We knocked on their front door and were rewarded with some candy canes.
On Christmas eve we had a wonderful time cooking food, watching movies and playing board games. We finally built the gingerbread house (I managed to make the house base stick together, after I accidentally made it collapse at my first attempt. Too inpatient!)
As soon as it was dry enough, kids went on decorating it. Granted, I did most of the icing, kids were the final designer team of where the candies went on.
Even though there was an attempt to sabotage the house, while the rest of the team looked away, the project was a success!
I think it came out pretty nice!
Kids are very happy to be able to sleep in this whole week. Even on the Christmas morning we had to wait for them to get up longer than we had in the past years. Surprisingly, Tim was the first one to be up, then Gabe, myself, the the rest.
Santa left kids a note thanking them for the treats.
On the Christmas morning we all gathered in the living room and went on with opening our presents. I think everyone got what they wanted and everyone came out happy. My present (apparently) will arrive in a week or two. Shhh! it's a secret.
Monday, December 21, 2009
On Friday night we went to a house party thrown by Tim's co-worker and his family. They live in an older Portland neighborhood, in a very cosy older house. Everyone brought in a dish to share and everything was very good. Tim and I made some salsa, in two strengths, Hot and Extra Hot.
Kids had great time playing at the detached playhouse, above the garage. After a little while Larissa returned wearing a Superman costume, which caused everyone a great laugh.
On Saturday I did the typical cleaning, cooking, shopping, but this time we got something "special" for Tim at the Trader Joe's. A Brussels sprouts "Christmas" tree (at least that's what we decided it looked like). It tastes the same as a typical cut ones in a bag, but a whole lot more fun to look at
Miranda had a school party to attend, so we went out and got a "white elephant gift" for the gift exchange. A recorder and a set of drum sticks to give away. She came home with a candle holder shaped like a snow covered Christmas house.
Saturday night we finally decided to go ahead and adopt a kitten. We went to a Bonnie Hays Animal Shelter by our house. That where we actually got denied!! Why you ask? Because we were open on our application and marked "yes" in "we plan on de-clawing the cat" box.
Now, everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone is free to talk about their religious believes, political opinions, etc. I won't stop them. But, seriously, without even having a good argument, a lady at the shelter said that she won't let us adopt a kitten! She even admitted that we could have lied and marked "no" and would have been free to take the kitten home and do as we pleased later, but in this case honesty was not the best policy.
SO, basically, they rather kill a cat (since they ARE a kill shelter, meaning they will put an animal down is not adopted), than give it to a loving family. I just don't get it! Kids were pretty bummed out too. This was their Christmas gift. We thought since we are all home for the next two weeks, that it would be a good time to introduce a new animal to the new environment...
Sunday was pretty much spent at IKEA. The place is too big to do a quick shopping. Between their delicious food, and a maze-like floor layout, you end up spending a whole day walking around... & trying fun hats on?..
We did get a few things for the girls' room, that tie into my original theme. Plus, it's nice to have matching sets for the beds.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Final week of school for 2009
I feel like this year I am on track! There is a whole week left before Christmas and I AM DONE! Granted, many gifts were handmade through the year, but I think it makes Christmas gift-giving ritual that much more special. I just have to hope that gift recipients are as happy to get them as I am to give.
On Monday Larissa had her theater performance. A funny Couch Potato Santa story. The play was pretty entertaining, but she only had a couple of speaking lines. I know she can do so much more. On the brighter side, she really wants to do this again!
Tim is excited to do some maintenance himself, and now out piano is torn in pieces, all over the living room...
While vacuuming inside we found many interesting coins. Some real, and some old play money...
We have also been watching a show called "Meerkat Manor" on Animal Planet channel. It is very interesting, and we already finished first three seasons.
Here is Larissa's and Tim's interpretation of their stance (while cleaning a piano):
I also found out that is is virtually impossible to take a close up picture of my cat with a digital camera, because it sends out a red (focus) light beforehand, which makes the cat look away. I must have tried ten times, and this is the best picture I could get:
A funny note. Last night we were driving home, listening to some Christmas music on the radio, when I caught Jonathan singing, but something didn't add up. I asked him to repeat the song, and this is what he sang:
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good "or get a snake..."
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Key Lime
Monday, December 14, 2009
December 12th weekend
On Sunday we finished decorating out tree with lights and ornaments & got out our Christmas stockings. I spent most of the day addressing and sealing Christmas cards and gifts. I am so on schedule this year!
Monday, December 7, 2009
December 5th weekend

We sat very close to the stage, so at the end we "claimed" Jon and bypassed the parent crowd:

Our very exciting weekend started early Saturday morning, when we decided to go to a (first annual) Breakfast with Santa event. It was only a few miles from our house at the Hillsboro Fairgrounds, there was no issues with parking , and admission price was just right ($19 for all six of us, that included a breakfast and a picture with Santa)!
Taking picture as a group turned out to be quite a challenge though For some reason Jon absolutely refused to get anywhere near Santa. We had to give up on the first attempt, eat some food, then try again. This time I told Jon that I would be willing to be in the picture and have him sit on my lap, far far away from Santa.
At first he seems to go along with it, but at the last second, he backed out
The best part was that all that negotiating was captured by a photographer from the Hillsboro Argus newspaper, and what do you know?.. It was published in a Tuesday's issue!
After the dramatic photo session, kids decorated sugar cookies and went around vendors' tables, looking for goodies.

We found a petting zoo and an inflatable maze. I gave kids a choice of one or the other.
Gabe and Miranda opted for feeding the animals:

Larissa and Jon went through the maze.
On the way out, we stopped by a Santa's letter writing station, and Jon composed a letter only he can read...
It doesn't take much $$ to have a good time, that's for sure!
As the temperature continued dropping, we finally decided that we all hate a candle burning setting in our fireplace. We removed the fake logs and the oil cans, brought in some old fire logs from the backyard, and started a REAL fire. Never we will go back!

We have done so much that day, that kids were totally worn out, and dropping like flies, falling asleep (literally) where ever:

We continued with a fun weekend on Sunday. As soon as Miranda came back from a sleepover Tim and I went out and surprised the kids with a real tree! (We have had enough of fake tree too). Of course, we also had to get the stand, but I guess it will last for a while.

We didn't want anything too small or too big, so we got a tree just under 7' tall.
For dinner we all headed out to meet Tim's old Intel friends, visiting from Arizona (Gail & Donna). Gail insisted kids take her $5 and try getting something from a claw machine. She didn't have to ask twice. All the kids gathered around the glass box, working out a best strategy. Talk about a team work!

It took (quite) a few attempts, and a few more $$, but kids were able to score three toys to take home!

I think everyone picked the right crown for this picture...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving's Day 2009
We started off with our tradition of taking a family photo to be later used on a Christmas card. As always, kids were only able to tolerate about 30 seconds of it, and then went into their "silly" mode.
No worries, I am sure I can "photoshop" something decent for a final product!
We then had a great feast, with another traditional photo of our funny faces.
I then made a mistake of leaving my camera unattended and now have about 50 extra pictures to prove it...