What was predicted to be a nice weekend, was not. It wasn't (really) sunny and it wasn't warm. Instead, it rained on and off and never got nice enough for a short-sleeve. So much for the weather reports on the news...
Saturday, as always, started off with a swimming lesson. All the kids are making quite a progress. Gabe was perfecting swimming on his back. Nice form!
On Sunday we had a few options for a family fun event and chose a trip to the Oregon Convention Center for a 2009 Crafts Fair. Local metal, wood, glass, pottery, bead & textile experts had things to sell. I like to attend those for inspiration. Kids like anything hands-on, as was the case with a pottery kids' corner. 
Gabe made a monster, Larissa made a birthday cake and a person, and Jon just liked the feeling of a knife cutting through a soft clay.