Tim's oldest moved in with us this weekend (Miranda). So, much of the weekend was spent shopping for essentials: toiletries, clothes, etc. We also got all the paperwork for her school enrollment and Tim took a couple of days off from work to get the ball rolling...
Before her arrival, we kept up with our typical weekend routine. On
Saturday we stopped by the Farmers Market, then on the way home by the JB Thomas school to see the demolition progress. The building is almost completely gone. Only the front wall remains.

Jon had another birthday party to attend. This week his friend Gavin turned five. Kids' party was at the tumbling place and everyone had a blast.
Jon was very particular about the present for Gavin and I believe it was a hit. (I think Jon picks out what HE really wants).
Larissa is apparently taking after me. She typed up everything we had to do this weekend into (My Mom's old PDA's) check off list and made sure we didn't forget anything.
One of the shopping stops was at the Old Navy. While Miranda was trying her clothes on, Gabe almost joined a mannequin family...
Looks like he would fit right in... Lucky for us, he changed his mind :-)