Sometimes my Halloween week turns into a Hell-oween week...
One thing for sure, it went by really fast.
At the last minute everyone changed their minds about what they were getting dressed up as, so, Jon was a Dinosaur, Larissa was a witch, and Gabe was a doctor.
All in all, kids got a whole lot of candy. Usually, on the night of Halloween it gets really cold in Colorado Springs. Last year kids kept slipping on ice as they were walking up and down the street, which usually means a short trip, then back home for hot drinks and the warmth of a fireplace.
This year was probably the best weather we had since moving to CO. It wasn't warm, but it also wasn't freezing or foggy.
Jon got too cold though and wanted to go home earlier (his fault, he wore a costume too small, and his hands and belly were exposed to cold air), but Gabe and Riss continued a little longer with our neighbors.
As soon as they got home, I dumped out all the candy and separated it into "has nuts" and "does not have nuts" piles. The pile with nuts went to my work :-)
The next day we had to go to the airport to pick up Daddy. Kids were so excited! It was Tim's and Larissa's birthday weekend. Since Tim had to go back to OR on Sunday (his actual birthday), we did all the celebrating on Saturday.
We had all the bells and whistles (pinata and dessert)
Presents for the Princess and even a present for the King:
Then Larissa took me by surprise and said that this year she didn't want a cake, but rather have a (frozen) cherry pie that we bought earlier. No need to ask ME twice, that's one less thing to worry about!
The only problem we had with it was the filling temperature. It was actually hot enough to melt candles, and they started shifting out of place. So, we had Larissa blow them out really fast :-)
Later on, on a Saturday night, Larissa woke up with a sickness to her stomach and ended up throwing up around midnight. I don't know if the food the night before had anything to do with it, but she was much better by Sunday night
Weekend issues - When I woke up on Sunday morning, it was totally freezing in the house. Apparently our thermostat broke. I had to run to the nearest ACE Hardware store to get one. At least it was fixed while Tim was here and I didn't have to worry about it by myself.
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