This year we did not put up a tree or hung the lights on the house. As it is, people who are coming to look at the house complain it is too clattered. Oh, well. another year, another Christmas, another clattered house awaits for me!
Tim flew in just in time, on December 24th. Kids were so excited, they talked me into parking at the Airport and surprising him at the passenger's exit. It worked! Tim was pleasantly surprised and we made there just in time too. When we got to the terminal, the display already listed his flight as "arrived".
At the house we only put up the stockings, and it looked so cozy by the fireplace...
On the Christmas night Gabe decided he will sleep by the presents and try catching Santa when he comes with our presents. He placed a blanket, a pillow and an alarm clock, set for 6:00am next to the presents. He was determined!
At around 11:30pm he started getting worried: "What it I am awake at midnight and Santa doesn't come?.." I told him to go to bed right away.
Santa did come at midnight, but he had a really hard time leaving presents next to a sleeping boy... Oh, the joy of freshly opened presents on the Christmas morning! The joy of playing with them! Oh, yes, and the joy of getting injured by one of them!..
Gabe and Tim were running around the house, trying to shoot each other with an air gun. Gabe ended up getting Tim right in the open eye, at a close distance.
It took three days, many Tylenol , tissues and ice packs, but Tim is OK.(On this picture Tim has his right eye taped and can't open his left eye. So, he basically blind...)
All in all, we had a wonderful time! Kids got lots of cool presents, and even though some of them got broken with in 10 minuted of use (grr!), it was great!
Now, if only Colorado weather wasn't so darn unpredictable (extremely freezing and snowy this year), I might have been able to get more bargain shopping done! I hate driving on ice, so I opted out to just stay home and watch TV. I guess i will have to get my "shopping fix" after I move.
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