Larissa went for the "girly" colors (pink and purple), and, predictably, Jon got a green one.
Little that I notice, they were in a shape of dice, given away by a local casino...
All the kids took turns sitting in the passenger seat and really enjoyed it.
Then, all of the sudden, the sirens went off (as you can see from the picture, Larissa holding her ears closed) and I see firemen running toward the truck, franticly trying to turn them off... Immediately, I assumed that Larissa flipped some switch off, since she was the closest to it. But, after looking at Gabe I realized that it was him. I have no idea how he did that and got out so fast that (as you can see in the picture) by the time sirens went off, he was already outside... We quietly made our way away from the truck...
For lunch we went to a Mongolian Grill and kids really enjoyed only getting the food they wanted on their plates. Gabe ended up with a variety of meats only and it took some convincing to have him add some noodles to it...
Both have allowances they could spend, so I really didn't want to tell them "no". All I could do is make sure they got a good bargain and the right product.
So typical though, Gabe got everything he needed for the scrapbooking and then some toys, and purchased it, Larissa selected a bunch of "pretty" things, then changed her mind at the last second and put it all back!!! She decided that since she only has so much money, she would rather spend it in "Build-a-bear" store.
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