So, I guess the Fall is officially here. It announced itself by a generous portion of H2O falling from the skies.
Sadly, I got a terrible cold at the end of last week, so that pretty much limited my selections of fun things to do this weekend to "what movie should we watch next?" I really didn't feel like going anywhere. Jon, Larissa and I did managed going to a Saturday market and got some wonderful local fruits, vegetables, and honey. There are only a few more weeks left for the market, so skipping it this weekend was not an option for me.
I have to say, I think the local honey I got worked miracles! All Saturday I had cups and cups of hot tea with lemon and honey, and by noon on Sunday I felt like a new person. Back to normal!
Tim and Gabe spent most of the
Saturday at the indoor skate park again. I am glad they are really enjoying it!
I tried a new recipe for cupcakes while waiting for the boys' return. It came out great! One thing I learned though... patience is a must if you want to ice your cupcakes! I didn't wait for the second batch to cool off, so what started as pretty pink flowers turned into a funny shaped pink smudge.
Sunday started off as a cool day, then the rain came. It was coming through in patches, rain, sun, rain, sun. Larissa got all geared up for biking, but when it started to rain, instead, she went to town in her rubber boots, jumping in the puddles.
Didn't take long before Jon joined her in the rain, and he finally got to use his umbrella too.