Monday, September 15, 2008

September 13 weekend

I think I heard on the News this morning that we have had "0" precipitation for the last month. A little unusual for Oregon, but I have no complaints. I am sure the Winter months will well make up for it...


1. Decorating cupcakes (and cakes, I am sure) is so much fun! And I don't even like cupcakes all that much!
Mary and I took a class at the local crafts' store and learned some techniques. We decorated a few cupcakes in class, then I did the rest at home with kids (Note the one with a missing top... Jon "decorated" his and ate it before I got a picture"). I am now looking forward to a good occasion to make some more!

2. Despite loving anything pink and girly, I have a dare-devil daughter! We spent a Sunday afternoon at a skate park, and I couldn't get her to go home. No hesitation with trying new ramps. If she falls, she just gets up and keep going. Granted, she is not a skateboard-er, but a scoot-er, she was the only girl at the park (not sitting on a sidelines and checking out the boys... hee hee)!
3. Gabe gets frustrated if he can't do something just perfect the very first time he tries... and he has no patience for practice. He started off on a skateboard, but gave up, due to a lack of skills, and switched to a scooter. It took Larissa a few times though, going down a ramp, before he finally gave it a try too.

4. Jon wants to do everything his big brother and sister do... and he is good at it. I figured, he is three now, if he keeps it up, by the time he is Larissa's age, he should be pretty "darn good". If only he keeps practicing.

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