Tuesday, July 14, 2009

$2 Tuesday at the Zoo

Today I took a day off and we decided to try out $2 Tuesday at the Portland Zoo. Summer hours are bright and early and we were told to get there early or fight the crowd. No crowds for me, thanks!
This meant that I had to drag kids out of bed before they were ready to roll out, but the second I mentioned word "Zoo" every one were up and ready.

First stop, McDonald's & Rod Box. A couple of movies for the afternoon and not-so-nutritious breakfast for everyone on the go.

Boy, did we get to the Zoo early. Gates open at 8am and we were there at 8:30am. The temperature was cool and the sun was sleeping in, but most importantly, hardly any one else there! Also, Zoo honored the $1.50 ticket discount for the public transportation users, so we actually ended up paying $0.50 a ticket!
We strategiesed over the Zoo map, came up with the best path (not like there are that many choices, but...) and hit the trail. Some animals were not out, but we did get to see pretty much everyone on display.
After a while I got tired of watching animals and switched my attention to the people kind... I think there were more pregnant women than I have ever seen in any one place, ever! May be there was a prego-convention that they were all going to attend after the Zoo.
Another thing I noticed, sadly, the number of overweight people. So many really young girls too. I am not a skinny-minni myself and I am not talking a few extra pounds either. I am referring to "almost can't walk unassisted" (and some did used a wheelchair/cart to get around). May be I just don't get out in public too much anymore. Just sad seeing this and imagine what the future holds for them.

On the brighter side, kids had a blast!!! and I only lost Larissa twice ;-)
On the way back home, while riding a MAX train, I was subjected to a very loud (mostly one sided) conversation by a lady in her 30's. I was SO tempted to jump in and give her my two cents, but bit my tong and kept quiet.
It started off with "I wish I could go to school and become a nutritionist...", later followed by a statement "it's been known for centuries, I read it on the Internet..." GRRR! After which she proceeded telling a younger man sitting next to her that to avoid getting diabetes (which apparently runs in his family), he needs to follow a few simple tricks. One, eat as much cinnamon as possible. Two, avoid eating sugars for six hours before bed time. Then, there were other suggestions, just as ridiculous, which I can't remember now.

At first I felt bad for the young man getting a bad advise, but then decided to tune them out, until I heard a keyword "Russian". Like it or not, it's like a pass code to turn my full attention on!

The younger man was now giving her a speech back about space programs. He mentioned that Russians and Chinese are working really hard on advancing at it, but from what he remembers first man in space was an American. "Russians did send a probe, or something, up there first though."

I felt like tearing my hair out. Sputnik, Laika, Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova - first satellite, first dog/animal, first man, first woman in space.

Good thing they got off the train, or I would have gone crazy.

Before getting home, we stopped by the J B Thomas Middle school where Gabe and I took our boxing classes. It's in the process of being torn down, despite a number of protests. All the trees are already pulled out, the building is fenced in, and the heavy equipment is on site. Any day now!

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