Thursday, September 17, 2009

What were you thinking, Gabe?..

As we were sitting down for dinner, I noticed that Gabe had two dirt spots on his upper lip. I asked him to go wash it off. When he returns, they are still there.
I am now getting a little frustrated and I ask him again to wash his face, to which he replies that he already did.
Tim and I are puzzled. "How did you get those spots?"

Gabe: "With an eraser"...

"Was there ink on the eraser?"


Now, it's a mystery...

I ask "Let me see the eraser"

Gabe pulls out a pencil topper eraser out of his pocket. Suddenly, I remember seeing a camera on the table earlier and Larissa making a comment that Gabe was taking pictures of himself with an eraser! I look at the picture and I now know exactly what happened! Gabe gave himself a hickey by suctioning a hallow end of an eraser to his skin!
Gabe is embarrassed. Good! Hopefully, he won't do that again! And now, he has to go to school looking like a musketeer...


jenrust said...

hehe.. this still makes me laugh. I love the pictures that go w/ it!

mary said...

Oh god, you must NEVER let him live this one down! Love it!!!!! He's too darn cute.