We are back into our busy weekly schedules with kids' classes in boxing, chess, music, swimming, etc. It feels like we are back to "normal".
It was, however, incredibly hard for the kids to get their morning routine going. It is hard to get up before 7am when you got to sleep in till 9am (and in some cases till 1pm...) for two straight weeks.
Started off our week with presents from Mary. Thank you! Kids really liked the games and all the candies:

Saturday started with a previously cancelled chess tournament. Nothing fancy, no prizes, awards or recognitions. This was strictly a practice run to make kids comfortable in their future "real" tournaments.
Well, some parents needed to be reminded of that. Just like in golf, in chess, silence is golden. Not only a few parents were yapping loudly, some wouldn't leave their kids alone. Hovering over them, taking pictures, while poor kids are trying to concentrate.
Not us, we just told them that the rules were to give it your best, have fun , and if at all possible not to play against each other (you know that would cause some friction later on).
Looks like Larissa took a "thinker" approach and finished 6 games, and Gabe did the "speed chess" and completed 8 or 9. Most were "loss" or "tie", but there were a couple of "wins".
Saturday night was a dance night at Miranda's school. We went out and picked a new dress just for that. She was very much looking forward to the dance and even managed to find time to go to the moves with her friend earlier in the day.
The rest of the weekend was very relaxed. Larissa was so bored, she was making "cereal faces" at breakfast: