What a crazy windy weekend! I thought for sure a tree will get ripped out of the ground and fall on our house. Alas, I was mistaken. Other than a few items blown around the backyard, nothing detrimental happened. All is good
On Saturday we finally decided to do our Harry Potter movie marathon. All we were able to handle is the first three movies (not because we didn't like it, but we had a few other things to do). Which was perfect, because Sunday was just as gray and depressing as Saturday. A great day to stay home and watch movies.
Earlier on Saturday I took Jon and Larissa to a Russian (a.k.a European) food store. As usual, I got taken over by a nostalgia and (as always) bought a bunch of "souvenir" food. Hee hee!
Often before going to bed kids ask me to tell them another story "about the Russian girl", and I always start with "when I was little". This time I had something to actually show then when I said the phrase. It was a "Rooster" sucker! Boy, that brought back some memories. I got a few Roosters for kids to share, and they actually liked it. But who doesn't like sugar on a stick?..
It wasn't exactly the way I had it when I was little. Mine didn't have a food coloring, or added flavors, but never the less, this was a very good memory
Oh, and the last three Harry Potter movies ware a nice finish to my weekend. I think I like #6 the best, but I also think they are getting longer and longer... Last one was 2 1/2 hours!
Monday was a day off from school. I decided to let kids go skating in the afternoon. Unsupervised!! Well, with an older sister, her friend and a cell phone. I felt pretty safe, yet worried.
Girls played a cute practical joke on Gabe. They purchased a little rose that was delivered to Gabe over the intercom with a heartfelt message. Ahem...
Gabe was not as wise with his allowance... He spent all of his $5 for a lousy (<$1 looking) snake! And I was worried about his safety? It's his $$ I need to worry about.
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