This (long) weekend was filled with activities. After a long hot spell temperatures dropped down to a comfortable 80's, and that was a welcomed change for a Friday picnic. When we attended the same company picnic two years ago temperature was in low 100's and that was just too hot to enjoy.
Picnic started at 4pm and went all the way through 9pm. We got there right after 4pm, but only stayed till ~8pm. As soon as we got there kids started collecting prizes and trinkets. With in 30 minutes we already won two gift cards, and had a bag full of yo-yo's and candy type of items. We wore swimsuits with the intention of swimming in a pool and using a giant slip-n-slide, but with everything else going on, and temperatures in a lower range, it just never happened.
Kids participated in a Scavenger Hunt, Sand Castle build, Hula contest, Bingo, Carnival games, stopped by a petting zoo, played a game of soccer, and took a walk on a trail (and that's just some of the activities). Food was good and plentiful, they even had vegetarian options.
All in all, we had a great time, until a full grown woman tackled Jon over a free t-shirt!! That is when we decided it's time to go home. We could not believe that a free t-shirt would be so important to a 40+ year old woman to tackle a five year old, after he already caught the shirt and was laying on it!! Wow! And I work with these people...
On Saturday I had planned a surprise for the kids. I bought tickets to see an American Idol Live show! Kids were trying to guess all week what the surprise was and even when we got to the parking garage of the show, they still had no clue!
We had some great seats and it was a great concert. Although, I think it was a little too late for Jon and he actually managed to fall asleep some time during a second half... That boy can sleep through anything!
To continue with a busy weekend, on Sunday we went to an Air Show. Weather kept changing from hot and sunny to rainy and cold, and then back.
We walked by all the vendors' booths, got more giveaways and samples, then sat on the blankets and enjoyed the show. After a while, we decided that we saw enough plains and left, before the big crowd would flood the traffic.
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