Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Meet the author!

At the last minute I found out that Laura Numeroff, the author of children's books, will be reading her latest book and signing them at a local book store.

She wrote a few series of books that became well known, "If you give a Mouse a Cookie" set, "What Grandmas Do Best" set, "The Jellybeans" set, and a whole selection of other books.

She read her latest book "Otis & Sydney and the Best Birthday Ever", talked about her career as a writer, and answered some questions.  It was great to have kids meet someone whose books they read and hear her speak.  Everyone had a great time.

Jon found a a book called "Don't Let The Pidgeon Drive The Bus!" on one of the shelves and wouldn't let go of it. He even tried having Laura Numeroff sign it!  What a clown!  I guess I know what I should get him for Christmas...

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