Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring 2008 is officially here...

Happy Easter!

I feel like this weekend was exactly the same as the last weekend...

May be last weekend I felt like I didn't accomplish all I wanted and wished I could start all over... and my wish was granted...

This Saturday was spent at the ice skating class, then house-hunting, which took a large portion of my day.

(I know that I might need to push my kids into a more difficult level for skating, but I think that as long as they enjoying the classes, they can take it easy. I rather have fun than stress over these classes.)

(Jon is just happy he is NOT in the class...)

Then Sunday was also spent looking at the vacant houses (since it was an Easter Sunday, we couldn't go into occupied houses), then a home made pizza and a movie completed the day.

Monday, March 17, 2008

House hunting weekend

The whole weekend was a blur. I got a cold but spent most of the weekend looking at the houses anyway. It is SO hard to pick just the right one. Every house has something great and something bad about them. It is just a matter of paying the right price and getting the one with the least number of issues.

On the brighter side, I was able to do a little switch-a-roo on Saturday and enroll Gabe in Jon's place for the ice skating classes. Both Gabe and Larissa really enjoyed their class together.
On the way out of the Mall we stopped by the (going out of business) Disney store to get the toy we didn't get last week, but sadly, we were too late. The store is now officially closed :-(

A quick stop at Michael's Craft store for a kids' craft marathon completed the day.

Sunday was another cold and an overcast day, mostly spent searching for a house. When I returned, Jon begged me to go for a walk, so I decided a little one on one time is good, got the stroller out and went down the street. So much for an interaction though:

How lucky kids are, to be able to sleep virtually anywhere!

Monday, March 10, 2008

To skate or not to skate?..

That was the question of the weekend.

Friday I found out that a new skating session just started and if I want kids to join, they would have their first class on Saturday morning. I asked Larissa and she eagerly said "yes!". Gabe thought for a bit and said "No...", and I didn't even think to ask Jon. I figured, what does he know?..
Later that night Gabe decided that he does want to skate.

Saturday morning Gabe still said "yes", until we got to the skating rink. Suddenly, he bailed out as I was filling out the forms. Not surprised, I turned to Jon and said "do YOU want to skate?".
His eyes lid up and very happily, he announced "Yes!"
So, I paid for two sets of lessons. They are eight weeks long, so it's quite a commitment. We went downstairs, got the skates, put them on and walked out to the skating rink. There was a lot of confusion, as it always is on a first day of session. No one knew where they should go, who their teachers going to be...
At this point, Jon is still really happy, marching around the rubber floors in his brown skates. Suddenly, he has to join his class, with a whole bunch of strangers, all are older kids.
That's where it all changed. Jon decided that, after all, he does NOT want to do this class. He flat out refused to cooperate with the teachers, to talk to them, or even to look at them.
I tried reasoning, and gently placing him on the ice surface, but Jon would do the noodle legs, where they are everywhere but supporting him.
Almost ready to loose it myself, I look for Tim. He is on the other side with Gabe, observing...
I asked the "office people" what my choices are and they suggest I sign up for a parent-kids session instead... for only $40.00 more... grrr... if nothing else, they will credit my account toward future classes.
Oh, well, (expensive) lesson learned...

Sunday I wanted to give Jon another try with skating (no lesson, just us) and, again, he said "yes", then at the last second, he changed his mind and stayed home. Instead I went with Larissa (who really enjoyed her lessons) and Gabe (who will do anything to get out from doing his homework).
I was a little confused at what happened to our Sunday and where the time went, until I realized that we changed the clocks last night, and I was still going by the old time.
We only lasted about 35 minutes total on the ice: changed Gabe's skates to a bigger size once, took a short break, and had to quit, all suffering with sore feet.
My biggest dilemma was on what to do with Larissa's glucose meter case while skating. I didn't want to leave it sitting on the bench and I didn't want to carry it in my hand. I knew though that skating can bring her down really quick. I finally shoved all the needed supplies in my pockets, thank goodness for large pockets!
It was interesting to see that skating does quite a trick on her glucose:
She started quite high ~360 (due to late breakfast and not enough insulin, my fault), I gave her 1.0 units of insulin to bring her numbers down.
An hour later she was 198, had a snack with the insulin to cover, then on the way home (another hour later), she dropped to 47! If only a cure was found...

Happy International Woman's Day
(March 8th)

Monday, March 3, 2008

March is here!

It's almost Spring time already?..

This weekend was just beautiful. No excuses to stay indoors!

First thing Saturday morning I woke up to a surprise.
As I came out of my room, I saw Gabe and Jon already awake and dressed! They threw their arms up int the air with: "Surprise! We are twins!" Both had green t-shirts and jeans on and already brushed their teeth.
We waited for Larissa to get up, had breakfast and then decided to see what's "cooking" at Michael's Craft store. This weekend we made some fake desserts (fridge magnets).
Watching kids making crafts made me really want some real dessert, so we made an extra stop on the way home at Rose's bakery and brought home quite a selection...

Sunday started off much slower than Saturday. We slept later, moved slower... kids fought more.
We wanted to go to OMSI again, but so many things got on the way, that instead of getting there at 10am, as planned, we were barely able to get there by 2pm.
A not-so-quick stop at the shoe store (kids couldn't decide what they liked. Jon wanted a Superman shoes and Gabe wanted matching shoes with Jon, but not the Superman kind. Larissa wanted anything Hanna Montana, and that's more $$).
Then we just had to pull over when we saw a Krispy Kreme doughnut shop:
Then, we decided to check out Portland Saturday Market, but after trying to find a parking spot for over 15 minutes, we gave up, and thought OMSI sounds much better. If nothing else, they have more parking available.

Larissa found a picture by an 11 year old (of a shoe design) with a comment "Beat that!!!", so, naturally, she accepted the challenge. Took her a while, but she did a really nice job. Too bad she wouldn't let me keep the picture, she pinned it up next to the challenge drawing.

Gabe and Jon found joy in playing Titanic game with their plastic turtles. They would put them on a boat, then sink the boat, all while yelling "Sink the Titanic!"