Monday, June 6, 2011

June 4th weekend - Lacrosse playoffs

Finally, the lacrosse playoffs are here!

We couldn't have asked for a better weather!  May be a little too sunny and warm too soon?  We are sure not used to it... we all got a little sun burned.

Everyone agreed that Gabe's team was ranked a little lower than it should've been.  Possibly a mix up with another HALO team?  Never the less, Gabe's team rocked!  Played three games, won three games, with quite a margin in the scores too.

Gabe was given an incentive (by Tim) at the last game.  If he were to score, his gaming privileges would be given back.  Boy, did he try hard after that!!!  He even got a chance to score, but the golly stopped his throw.  You could see the disappointment, not only form Gabe, but from the parents too.  We all wanted the "underdog" to get a chance.

He even got smacked on the knee with the lacrosse stick, hard, and didn't stop.  He just walked it out.

I could tell that he is already thinking of next season.

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