Monday, June 9, 2008

June 7th weekend

This weekend was Mom & Dad's 40th Anniversary!

Tim flew to MI as a surprise, overnight on Friday. He sure surprised his Mom when, while on the phone, he said that he needed to talk to her about something... in person... and then walked into the room!
I hear it's in 90's in MI, while it's barely mid 50's here in OR.
We went on a Family Walk on Saturday, got rained on, but glad we walked! Beats sitting at home, getting over a nasty cold!

Jon REALLY didn't like wearing the safety vest and the number. He desperately tried wiggling his way out of it, but some distraction with Jelly Belly's took his mind away and he kept it on... at least most of it.

Still trying to clean out our boxes filled with junk. They go from garage into the house, get sorted into "keep" and "donate" piles, then "keepers" get put away.

Somehow, kids are managing to find toys that have not been designated as "keepers" yet... We did find good use for the wardrobe boxes. They make a wonderful "spaceships" and stand up to the abuse normal toys wouldn't stand up to!
Of course, Jon thinks it's a "Lego's Star Wars" and Larissa thinks it's a "Barbie" spaceship...

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