Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April 26th weekend, 2008

We got a call from the sellers and they accepted our offer!
Now, to the next phase, filling out papers and packing/moving... finally into our own house!

Gabe's class went on a field trip to PCC for the Water Festival where we had to attend a number of educational/entertaining events, including this bubble making tub.
I tell you, a bus full of 9-10 year old's gets pretty loud!

Then on Saturday Larissa and I went to the Convention Center expecting to see Bead and Pottery shows, but turned out that there was also a Health fair, a Woodwork show, a Metalwork show, Knitting show and a Glass show! WOW! We were so tired by the time we were done looking at everything.
Larissa had a chance to make her own clay item. She choose to make a plate with "I Love Mom" inscription on it. Too bad it was still soft and by the time we got home you couldn't read the sign...

On the way home we stopped by the Portland Saturday Market, but because it was too darn nice out, there were way too many people. We got to see some "colorful" characters on the MAX train too.

By night time my legs were "humming", and I fell asleep on the couch early.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Kids say the darnest things, and sometimes they call things by the darnest names.

Case #1
Mom: Jon, where is Daddy?
Jon: First I looked in your room and he wasn't there. Then, I looked in "no food" room and he was on the couch.
Note: No food is allowed in the living room.

Case #2
Jon runs into a living room from the bathroom, really excited:
"Daddy's shoot gun run out of pee"...
ahem... no explanation needed, but perhaps less video games for Jon?..

Jon to Dad: Do I have school tomorrow?
Dad: Yes
Jon: Awe (sad)
Dad: what's wrong? You don't you like school? Then, jokingly "Do you have ghosts at school?"
Jon: No
Dad: Do they (implying teachers) read books to you?
Jon: Laughing. "Silly Dad, Ghosts don't read books!"

Lightsaber - is called "Life saver";
Anything related to Star Wars - is called Star Wars Lego's (because of the Lego's video game);

Monday, April 14, 2008

Sunny weekend, April 12th '08

What a weekend! Sunny, dry and in mid-80's! We just HAD to drive to the coast.

Right after we were done with our Saturday skating classes, we made a quick stop for food-to-eat-on-the-road, and headed toward the coast. To make sure we got the most out of our drive, we also stopped by a famous Tillamook Cheese Factory before getting to the coastline.

I have to say that cheese factory was not nearly as exciting as the ocean. As soon as we got there kids started complaining that they didn't like the smell. Not sure what the smell was, but it reminded me of a (sugar coated) roasted nut stand. It was rather strong too.

Got a few giant beef sticks, salt water Taffy, and some cheese, and we were done there.

Had some trouble finding a spot to park and drove up and down the road, till we got a spot. It was a ling walk from the sand, but we didn't really care.

Earlier that morning we stopped by a Pirate store and got a few things too. Larissa got a nice felt hat with feathered edges, Gabe got a voodoo doll and an eye patch, and Jon got a pirate bandanna and an eye patch too.
For some reason, Jon thought that if we go to the ocean, we will see a pirate ship, so he was a little disappointed and kept asking me where the boat was, but he wore that bandanna all day long and wouldn't let anyone take it off, although I talked him into moving an eye patch off his eye. Some safety concern there...

Time flew by so fast. We spent about three hours playing in water and it didn't feel any longer than an hour, but as the sun started to set down, it got cooler and cooler, and we headed back home.

Kids were extremely filthy and tired, but what a great day!

NOTE TO SELF: Cell phones do not do well after being dunked into salt water...

Sunday Daddy came back home from his overnight trip to Colorado, I made an attempt to clean out my truck (in and out), and we went to see Horton Heard a Who on Intel.
Relaxing and enjoyable day too.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Circus Time!

Now that we are done looking for a house, we can spend more time doing fun thing.

(Jonathan watching Gabe and Larissa skating)

This Saturday, after our skating class, we went to see a circus performance. Nothing like the "real deal" of Ringling Brothers Circus, but the price was right, and it was worth every penny ($9.00 admission and $8.00 parking)!
As soon as we entered the facility, I got my bag searched and I was told that "all professional cameras with detachable lens need to be checked in"... I didn't expect that, but decided to comply and asked where I check it in. Security guard looked at me and said, "or if you promise not to take pictures, you can keep it"... Easier said than done, but I agreed. And I honestly lasted till the last 5 minutes of the performance, then I could take it no more. It seemed unfair to me that everyone around me without the "detachable" lenses were taking pictures all night long with the flashes going off, and I couldn't... Digital cameras nowadays are so good, you don't need a detachable lens to take great photos. Why would they be allowed and not me?

During the show kids kept begging for those overpriced toys, but I was strong, and resisted every plea. I actually didn't take much cash with me just to make it easier. We walked in with $11.00 in my pocket and $4 cotton candy later, all I had was $7.00.
Larissa has been wishing to take a pony ride, seems like, forever, and I finally decided that if she makes sure it's OK with her brothers (since I didn't have enough money for everyone), I will let her spend $5.00 on a ride. I am glad I did. Apparently, she is right on the border line of a maximum allowed weight. This might have been her last chance to ride a pony!

Gabe and Jon didn't seem jealous at all, but they made sure to ask for extra money next time we are at a Dollar Store:

Sunday we spent shopping, and watching "Alvin and the Chipmunks"), or as Jon calls it ("Adam and the Chipmunks").
Earlier in a day Larissa and I went to a Wetland next to my work to find that creature I told them about (Nutria) and we were lucky enough to find it right away. Now they believe me :-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Slow (sick) weekend.

This whole weekend was a wash. I felt sicker than ever. Doctor couldn't schedule me in till next week, so I just suffered through. I thought for sure it's got to be something like a strep, or a bad cold, but when I finally got to the doctor's, they couldn't find anything wrong! I rather have something and know how to treat it, than keep going like this.

All signs point to severe allergies. I got a prescription for inhaler, decongestant and antihistamine... Hope it works!

Saturday was also the final run down over the final few houses we selected to consider. Surprisingly (Not!), Tim's first choices were toward the bottom on my list and vise versa.

Also, the house I liked the most went under contract that very same morning! Just my luck!

Now, it's negotiations time. We picked the house and making an offer. Will see if they accept. If not, no big deal, plenty to choose from.

Sunday was a big "train ride" adventure day. Jon, Larissa and I took MAX Lightrail to Portland Saturday Market. Kids were so excited to finally go on a train. They both behaved very well on the way there, but got too comfortable on the way back and that turned into a disaster. Both wanted to keep switching seats at every stop. I wouldn't let them, so we had a long, "whiny" ride home.

The fternoon was just a little too cold to spend outdoors. After we got totally frozen browsing the sales booths, we hopped back on the train and went to the Mall, where it was warm and cozy. McDonald's for the kids and Starbucks for Mom!