Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Slow (sick) weekend.

This whole weekend was a wash. I felt sicker than ever. Doctor couldn't schedule me in till next week, so I just suffered through. I thought for sure it's got to be something like a strep, or a bad cold, but when I finally got to the doctor's, they couldn't find anything wrong! I rather have something and know how to treat it, than keep going like this.

All signs point to severe allergies. I got a prescription for inhaler, decongestant and antihistamine... Hope it works!

Saturday was also the final run down over the final few houses we selected to consider. Surprisingly (Not!), Tim's first choices were toward the bottom on my list and vise versa.

Also, the house I liked the most went under contract that very same morning! Just my luck!

Now, it's negotiations time. We picked the house and making an offer. Will see if they accept. If not, no big deal, plenty to choose from.

Sunday was a big "train ride" adventure day. Jon, Larissa and I took MAX Lightrail to Portland Saturday Market. Kids were so excited to finally go on a train. They both behaved very well on the way there, but got too comfortable on the way back and that turned into a disaster. Both wanted to keep switching seats at every stop. I wouldn't let them, so we had a long, "whiny" ride home.

The fternoon was just a little too cold to spend outdoors. After we got totally frozen browsing the sales booths, we hopped back on the train and went to the Mall, where it was warm and cozy. McDonald's for the kids and Starbucks for Mom!

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