Monday, April 6, 2009

April 4th weekend

We knew this weekend will be packed with the outdoor activities, as soon as we heard that it will be sunny and possibly in the record high temps. And we were right!
I ventured out on a 12+ mile morning bike ride at the Sauvie Island on Saturday morning (while kids attended their swimming class). This was a training session for the upcoming Tour de Cure race, so I got to meet some of the fellow bikers. It was great! I only wish I was better prepared for the cold morning (we are talking ~35 degrees). I did end up with a sore throat and achy muscles the next day, but it's all gone now.

Later that day Gabe, Larissa and I went to a Junior Olympics boxing match. We saw a number of young fighters, some as young as 8 years old, going for the medal. I volunteered for the cleaning up afterwards and for taking pictures of the matches. That's where I learned that it is very tricky to take pictures from the stands of someone so small. The ropes kept getting on the way... (oh, and there is no flash photography allowed).
On Sunday Gabe and Tim went on a trail bike ride, which is roughly 10 miles. Gabe was hesitant to go at first, but had a great time.

The rest of us went to a Russian store and loaded up on European delicacies.

...and before we knew it, the weekend was gone...

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