Monday, November 9, 2009

Happy 9th Birthday Larissa, etc. weekend

Our family is not too much into throwing big parties for the special events. We give our kids an option to choose between a party and a bigger/better present. They always choose the latter.
This year Larissa's birthday fell on a Friday. Coincidentally, the same day aunt Sarah arrived for a visit. Obviously, we didn't have much time for a "formal" celebration, so Larissa's birthday kind of went on through the weekend.
Friday night I baked some cupcakes for decorating the next day.
On Saturday we had another great swimming session, came home and got to working on our special cupcakes.
I put a light layer of icing, gave kids some decorating tools and they went to town:
Right after that we went out on a "girls + Jon" day out. First stop was at a Thai Food restaurant for lunch. Everyone, but Jon, enjoyed their meals. He only wanted every one's shrimp and nothing else (that and a snack size bag of M&M's he found in his jacket pocket)...
Next stop was a Shopping Mall. As promised, Larissa was going to choose her Build-a-Bear toy and accessories. It took quite a while, and who can make a quick selection when there are SO many choices?..

A few more Mall stops and we headed back home. As per some one's request the rain stopped and a giant rainbow was greeting us outside.

Before Larissa's new puppy went to bed he was changed into pajamas (Thank you Mary!) and suddenly it was a girl ;-) Oh, kids' imagination!

On Sunday the whole family went swimming, and had a blast. Then, we took aunt Sarah to the Trader Joe's store, since there aren't any in Michigan where she lives.

At the store Larissa made a sad face and told me she didn't get a birthday cake with candles this year and "really, really wanted it"... pointing to a chocolate cake. Who can resist that?..

So, her birthday celebration continued on:

On, and here is a picture of Jon's way of eating an apple. He eats it like a cartoon bunny eating a carrot. In Circles, until there is nothing but the core left.

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