Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lights out! Now!

Wednesday night, just as I was getting ready to watch second episode of Season 9, American Idol, followed by a movie "Fame" (rental), the house went black.

We just finished out dinner and everything was going just right. After I missed the first episode, I thought for sure nothing will get on my way of watching the second one... Apparently, just when you say that to yourself, SOMETHING will get on the way.

At first kids were a little scared, but once we found our flashlights, it became an exciting game.
We looked outside and it looked like only our block was without the light. As we drove around the block to see where the darkness ends, Gabe pointed out to me: "Look, Mom, that family is watching American Idol. I can see Simon!" GRRRR!

Once back at the house we called PGE (Portland General Electric) and found out that "crew is on the way, no known cause, and expect electricity back around 10:30pm"... sigh, the show ends at 10pm!Thank goodness for modern technology! Kids were still able entertain themselves by playing Nintendo DS and Jon watched (again) Star Wars, episode 5 on a portable DVD player.

All in all, it was pretty exciting. Kids want to do this more often now. I am leaving the schedule up to PGE...

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