Friday, June 18, 2010

June 12th weekend and more.

(Gabe, Lucas & Will)

Once again, end of the school year is here, and I am caught unprepared.  Seems like just about everything comes to the finish this week.  Gabe's lacrosse tournament, my race, swimming classes and graduation from an elementary school.

On Saturday we had to split into two groups.  First group is just me, and the second group everyone else (except for Miranda who went to her friend's house for a sleepover).  Of course, the night before we all knew that we needed to get good rest, but there is so much to get ready.  I had to make sure that I didn't forget ANYTHING!

Both groups left the house at about the same time.  Gabe's first game was at 8am, and considering the predicted parking situation, Tim aimed to be there by 7am.  I had to check in for my half-marathon by the same time as well.

My run went fairly uneventful.  Started off in cool temperatures, then sun came out and the heat went up and by the time I finished they were approaching upper 70's.  I knew by mile mark 4 that this was not going to be a non-stop run and there was no reason why I would need to push myself, so I started alternating runs with the uphill walks.  I finished with 2:11:17 time and it looks like I am going to loose two toenails :-(

Gabe had three games.  First was pretty miserable, his team lost with a score of 2:11 (or some similar score, just as bad).  Second game was better, and they lost at a less dramatic difference.  Third game was the best though.  They played against a fairly strong team, and had some great plays, but lost at 3:5 (although referee recorded that as 2:7...)

On Sunday we tried to recover from the day before.  We stopped to play in a water fountain, then watch a few movies.

Monday was Gabe's class picnic.

Tuesday was Larissa's class luau.  She volunteered me as a parent helper...

Wednesday was a much slower day and I spent the night making sure I made enough "Thank you!" cards for the school staff, have enough flowers and gift cards.

Finally, Thursday!  Last day of school and Gabe's graduation ceremony!  I can't believe my little boy is moving on to a Middle school...

Gabe was always lucky with having great teachers.  Ms. Marshall was another wonderful teacher.  We will surely miss her!

Larissa said her goodbyes to Mrs. Smith.
and we all said goodbye to Ms. Amber (not pictured).  She is moving to New Jersey.  She promised to change her hair style (a lot more hairspray) and get a fake (orange) tan.  She has been my school "rock" for the past two years.  I hope her replacement is at least half as good.

We then had to go an celebrate end of the school year!  Krispy Kreme it is!
so many choices...
By then we were ready to finish the day, but there was more..  Gabe's last swimming lesson.  He had to dive at a 12' side of the pool and retrieve a plastic egg from the bottom.  Success!  I am told that there is only one more class that he can take.  After that, he is done with all the swimming lessons.

Just as we headed home, Gabe reminded me that Larissa's friends were coming over to decorate a cake.  Oops, I almost forgot.

I made a cake the night before, but I didn't prepare cake icing ahead of time. Not good.  I quickly whipped sugar/water concoction, thinking that it didn't matter since all girls really wanted to do was decorate...  Wrong, they actually ate the cake.  I felt bad because I wasn't going for a taste, it was more of a play-cake, but kids seemed to enjoy it...

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