Monday, June 7, 2010

June 5th weekend

Friday night was a Disco Night at kids' school.  All the money raised went toward a new playground equipment, so it was for a good cause too.
Kids danced the night away to the music of my generation, with a sprinkle of a modern Disney dance music, enjoyed a jump-house, and the cotton candy.

Oh, I haven't posted Jonathan's funny face in a while, so here you go!

Saturday turned out to be absolutely gorgeous!  Sunny and warm.  Not hot, just perfectly warm.
Gabe had two lacrosse games separated by an hour long break.  Kids took advantage of a playground right next to the field.
Both games were just training for the upcoming tournament and against fellow HALO members.
I think Gabe was more comfortable being a more aggressive player against friends than strangers.  That is one of the things he needs to work on, not being so darn polite...
During a second game we noticed a hawk circling the field, looking for prey... shoo, bird, shoo!

After the game we spent a quiet afternoon at home.

On Sunday Larissa went to her friend's birthday party.  Somehow weather changed from sunny to pouring down rain.  All the better to be inside, rollerskating.

In the afternoon we all went to see Shrek 3-D, compliments of my work.  Not only we got to see a free movie, we also got a free drink and popcorn!  Again, beats being outside in the rain!

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