Monday, October 25, 2010

October 23rd weekend

This weekend I spent coordinating a variety of sleepovers.  At least it seems like that's all I did...

Oregon Fall is finally here.  It rained at various speeds through the weekend, so there was little desire to be outdoors.  That's a perfect weather to catch up of long ago started projects.  I finally completed two of the three collages and hung them up in the hallway.  Not perfect, but I really like them!  I also had to compromise on one of the sets.  There wasn't a long enough frame to fit all the images, and I certainly wasn't going to special-order a frame for what is meant to be a low budget project. Taking out one photo did the trick!

On Saturday we had insulation guys come in and redo insulation in the crawl space.  I can already feel like the house is warmer.  Or, maybe, someone cranked the heat up...  Not sure yet...

Afterwards, Jon and I stopped by the Home Depot to pick up a new air filter.  Turns out Home Depot sells pumpkins!  Score!  One less stop to make.

For some odd reason, Jon really likes pushing a shopping cart...

Tim found out that Fred Meyers store now sells Jelly Belly's in bulk.  Must be new, there was no price posted anywhere.  He couldn't decide which flavor to get, so he was about to just randomly try them all...  nah!  Just kidding!

On Sunday I volunteered at the Pass It On kids' consignment event on behalf of our kids' school.  I spend four hours keeping kids' clothing in order, then sorting it out at the end.  I think it will be some time before I have a desire to clean out MY kids' closets...

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