Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2nd weekend.

This was one of the busiest weekends we had recently!
On Friday night Tim and I went on a movie Date Night.  First, we made reservations at Syun Sushi, and a good thing we did, the place was packed!  I guess that tells you how good their food is.  Expensive too, but so worth it! 

We were seated very close to a family that was celebrating their daughter/grand-daughter 16th birthday.  Everything was going very nice, until she started talking about being vegetarian...  What is it with the high schools kids.  They seem to be all obsessed with going vegetarian/vegan.  Or is it just Portland?..  Her Mom was complaining how hard it is to be a vegetarian...  No kidding!  Hard on a pocket!  Then she moved on, expressing her concern that her daughter was not getting enough nutrients...  Trust me, from where I was sitting, she was getting plenty.  LOL

The movie was not very good (Wall Street), but free is always good, so no complaints.

I managed to score some free tickets to a Children Theater play and to a Winterhawks hockey game, so kids and I did both on Saturday.  Since both events were in Portland, we just made a (very long) day out of it.  The play was nice.  Don't know how much the tickets would have been, but I would pay $10 a piece :-)

Next stop lunch at the mall, and riding escalators...  which, by the way, totally freak me out (at this Mall).

We were one of the first people to arrive and claim our hockey tickets and were rewarded with most excellent seats, two hats and two bobble head dolls.  Yeah!

With plenty of time before the game, we ate early dinner and kids played a little in a water fountain.

Our seats were in a second row, slightly off-center.  I couldn't hoped for the better ones.  At first kids were a little bored, but once we started getting players smashed into the glass in front of us, it got their attention. 

I think we would like to go to another game soon :-)

A long ride home on a MAX train and getting Miranda (and her friend) after her Homecoming school dance finished out busy day.

On Sunday we also had tickets to see another movie on Intel.  We saw Legend of the Guardians.  Not a bad movie, but I wonder if that was age appropriate for Jon...  Oh, well, he didn't seem to mind it.

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