Monday, November 15, 2010

November 12 weekend

On Wednesday Larissa got a call from the Grocery Outlet store and found out that she won a coloring contest.  She got the first place that came with a $25 gift card for the store.  We didn't waste any time and got a bunch of food for the house.  Thanks Riss!
On the weekend we watched some movies, and I did some jewelry projects.  Nothing too exciting.  Lunch with Jon and Larissa at Hot Pot n' Sushi was pretty much the highlight of the weekend. 
Kids ordered their usual, fried calamari for Jon and a Spider sushi for Larissa.  I did most of the eating though.
On Sunday we asked Gabe to clean our older neighbor's driveway (he has a giant tree in the front yard that is dropping leaves at a high rate) and next thing we know two of his friends grabbed some tools too and got to work.  As a reward I took all the boys to McDonald's for a treat.  It doesn't take much to do a good deed and it sure doesn't take much to show someone a gratitude for the job well done!

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