Thursday, September 10, 2009

Last weekend before school

Why is it when you have a long weekend, it feels like it was too short? May be because I assume that with an extra day attached to the weekend I will be able to accomplish more, only to realize that it is impossible to get everything done...

Main thing we finally accomplished over the weekend is getting to taste a real coconut (milk). Strangely, it was cheaper than in Hawaii, and now we know FOR SURE that no one really likes it raw. Jonathan was almost obsessed with getting to taste it while in Hawaii, but we were unable to find any place serving it, so we got it upon our return to Oregon.
After posing for this picture holding coconut milk filled glasses no one wanted to drink it...

The entire weekend we had a typical Oregon Fall weather. Sunny, rainy, sunny, rainy...
We went on a long walk (five miles! I wasn't sure if kids would make it back, but the did, with only a few meltdowns) when it was raining and returned with a rainbow.
There was no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow... only sore feet...

I am sure glad that I got all the school supplies purchased before going on vacation. All I had to do the night before school is separate them into Gabe's and Larissa's bags. Is it just me, or every year school supply list is getting bigger and bigger?..
I tried taking picture of kids getting on the bus, but they were so fast, all I got was a picture of the bus...
Bus driver asked Jon if he was going to get on the bus too and Jon grabbed on to my legs in horror. Ha ha! I don't think he is too eager to go to school yet. No problem, he got a whole year to change his mind.

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